Zutaten für 5 Minikastenform:
240 g Butter
200 g Eier
200 g Zucker
150 g geröstete Walnüsse
300g Mehl
Prise Salz
1/2 TL Butter- Vanillienaroma
2 TL Backpulver
- Rühre Butter cremig und füge allmählich Zucker zu. Unterrühre Eier in die Buttermasse .
- Mische Salz, Backpulver und Mehl und füge sie in zwei Teilen in die Buttermasse. Unterrühre die Walnüsse vorsichtig in den Teig.
- Die Minikastenform mit Butter einfetten und den Teig zu 2/3 in den Kastenform füllen. Im vorgeheiztem Backofen auf 200 ° C Ober/ Unterhitze 30 Minuten backen.
Mini Walnut cake
My mother likes this cake very much, because it is very aromatic and it looks quite cute with his miniform. I think this cake can be baken in a normal sized cake tin.
Ingredients for 5 mini cakes:
240 g butter
200g sugar
200 g eggs
150g roasted walnuts
300 g flour
dash of salt
1/2 tsp. vanilla essence
- cream butter and gradually add sugar. Add eggs and mix well with butter.
- Mix salt, flour and baking powder and add in two batches into the buttercream. at last fold in roasted walnuts carefully into the dough.
- Grease baking tin with butter and fill dough 2/3 of baking tin. Bake in a preheated oven 200 °C for 30 minutes.
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